Procurement scoring and maturity

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Make Things Accessible contains several guides to help both customers and suppliers to improve accessibility requirements and evidence during procurement processes.

To complete our selection of procurement support documents, we have also created a scoring matrix to help bracket different levels of response against the procurement requirements.

For customers this can be adapted into your own scoring methodologies and help you to better differentiate supplier responses for each of the requirements.

For suppliers this can help you benchmark where you are on your accessibility journey and identify actions to take to improve your scores ahead of future procurement exercises. In many cases, small adjustments to the level of detail provided can make a significant difference to overall scores.

We hope that this will be a useful tool for everyone involved, and that this will improve transparency through the procurement process.

Using the scoring matrix

Download the scoring matrix template

The template is presented as an Excel spreadsheet.

There are some initial instructions followed by the main table. Within the table each of the requirements is listed, and then has a number of example responses categorised with a score between 0 and 3.

For example, in the 0 score column for Requirement 1 – compliance, we list five types of responses that would receive this score, such as " Supplier has confirmed there are seriously impacting accessibility issues that will not be resolved.”

For each example response in each score cell we have marked them with one of four options:

The reason for this is to help differentiate what types of responses are applicable in different procurement situations. For example, “Bespoke” tagged responses are only applicable in the event you are trying to procure a bespoke built system rather than an existing product. The “Any” tagged responses are applicable in all cases.

Because not all questions are equally impactful to the final accessibility of a service, we have not yet created a comprehensive weighting guide. Scores here should be taken individually as marks of a certain broad level of quality, not compared against each other. For example, a score of 2 for compliance is significantly more impacting than a score of 2 noting the presence of an existing accessibility statement. Totalling the scores as a metric is not recommended.

Warning: This publication is issued as guidance only. It is not intended to provide legal or professional advice. All collaborators on this content accept no liability for any errors, omissions or any consequences, losses or damages arising from any use of, or reliance placed on, this publication. You should seek advice from a suitably qualified professional.

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