Privacy Policy

Using our website

The Make Things Accessible website is maintained for your personal use and viewing. Access and use of this site by you constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions which take effect from date of first use.

Intellectual property

Material on this website, including code examples and images, are provided under an MIT license unless explictly stated otherwise, you may use code examples or images without restiction or limitation, for personal or business use, provided they are also used under an MIT license. However, code examples are provided "As is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.


You do not have to ask permission to link directly to pages hosted on this site. Make Things Accessible do not object to you linking directly to the information that is hosted on this website.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising under these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Privacy Statement

If you are a user with general public and anonymous access, the Make Things Accessible website does not store or capture personal information of users with general public access. We do not use cookies for collecting user information and we will not collect any information about you.

Where our website links to external resources or websites, these may add their own cookies. These are outside our control. Cookies can be disabled by changing the settings on your computer browser, but you may need to re-enter information at times.

Personal information

Make Things Accessible does not collect personal information apart from that offered through users directly contacting us through email or social media channels. All contact information that does not lead to ongoing engagement will be removed at the end of our retention period to comply with the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulations. At no point is any personal information provided to Make Things Accessible shared with third parties or used for any other purpose (such as promotional emails).


Make Things Accessible do not install any cookies on your device or use any tracking data, however, we may from time-to-time embed another website on our guide pages, such as YouTube or Twitter. These 3rd party services may install cookies on your device, however, we will use Privacy Mode for embeds where available in order to respect your privacy and comply with GDPR.

What are cookies?

Website cookies are small text files that are used by a website to store information in your browser (Google Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox etc). They are sent from a website's server and the users’ browsers. When you visit a website, it may send a cookie from its server to your browser. The browser then stores the cookie on your device in a cookie file.

We have limited control over 3rd party cookies and occasionally we may need to embed a tweet or a video to add context to our guides, as an example, when we provide a guide for adding quality captions in YouTube, we would embed a video within the guide, that may show the differences between auto-generated and manually edited captions, to discuss the differences and impact incorrect captions could have on users.

3rd party cookie policies

Twitter embeds cookies in an anonymous fasion, they do not use these cookies to identify you: Twitter for Websites Privacy Policy.
We will always embed YouTube videos with "privacy-Enhanced mode" which does not track you or personalise any content you see across the web: YouTube's privacy-enhanced Mode.

Controlling your cookies

You can use your browser settings to control cookies, in several ways:

Changing your browser's cookie settings

Each browser has different ways of adjusting the settings, options may have slightly different names and they will likely appear in different locations in the menu options, please visit the page for the browser(s) you use to familiarise yourself with locating the correct settings for your preferences (each links to an external site):

Local Storage

We add a non-cookie token to your browser's local storage, only if you interact with any of the Site preferences toggle settings, these values cannot be used to identify you in any way, they simply set keys and values such as: 'data-pref--theme' and a value of either 'light' or 'dark' if you choose one of those options.

Selecting the Unset option will completely remove that token from your device. This token is functional, it is required for a user's selected site preferences to persist across pages and in no way can it cause any harm to a user, nor can it be tracked in any way.

This site will respect your operating system preferences, so as an example, a user who has Dark Theme as their operating system preference will initially see the dark theme of our site and this does not require any interaction with the theme selection control, nor will it store a token in your browser.

Site preferences

Please feel free to display our site, your way by finding the preferences that work best for you. We do not track any data or preferences at all, should you select any options in the groups below, we store a small non-identifiable token to your browser's Local Storage, this is required for your preferencesto persist across pages accordion be present on repeat visits. You can remove those tokens if you wish, by simply selecting Unset, from each preference group.


Code block theme

Code theme help

Code block themes can be changed independent of the site theme.

  • Default: (Unset) Code blocks will have the same theme as the site theme.
  • Light 1: will be default for users viewing the light theme, this maintains the minimum 7:1 (WCAG Level AAA) contrast ratio we have used throughout the site, it can be quite difficult to identify the differences in colour between various syntax types, due to the similarities in colour at that contrast ratio
  • Light 2: drops the contrast for syntax highlighting down to WCAG Level AA standards (greater than 4.5:1)
  • Dark: Syntax highlighting has a minimum contrast of 7:1 and due to the dark background differences in colour may appear much more perceivable


Motion & animation

Motion & animation help

  • Default (Unset): Obeys device settings, if present. If no preference is set, there are subtle animations on this site which will be shown. If you have opted for reduce motion, smooth scrolling as well as expanding and collapsing animations will no longer be present, fading transtitions and micro animations will still be still present.
  • None: All animations and transitions are completely removed, including fade transitions.


Underline all links

Underline all links help

  • Default (Unset): Most links are underlined, with a few exceptions such as: the top level links in the main navigation (on large screens), cards, tags and icon links.
  • Yes: Will add underlines to the exceptions outlined above, resulting in every link being underlined

Text and paragraphs

Font size (main content)

Font size help

This setting does not apply to the site's header or footer regions

  • Default (Unset): Font sizes are set to site defaults
  • Selecting Large or Largest will increase the font size of the main content, the size of the increase depends on various factors such as your display size and/or zoom level. The easiest way to determine which option suits you best would be to view this text after clicking either size's button
Letter spacing

Letter spacing help

  • Default (Unset): Default letter spacing applies
  • Increased: Multiplies the font size by 0.12 and adds the sum as spacing between each character
Line height

Line height help

  • Default (Unset): all text has a minimum line height of 1.5 times the size of the text
  • Increased: all text has a line height of twice the size of the text
Line width

Line width help

  • Default (Unset): all text has a maximum line width of 80 REM units (this averages around 110 characters per line)
  • Decreased: all text has a maximum line width of 55 CH units (this averages around 80 characters per line)
Paragraph spacing

Paragraph spacing help

  • Default (Unset): The space between paragraphs is equivalent to 1.5 times the height of the paragraph's text
  • Increased: The space between paragraphs is equivalent to 2.25 times the height of the paragraph's text
Word spacing preference

Word spacing help

  • Default (Unset): No modifications to word spacing are present
  • Increased: Spaces between words are equivalent to 0.16 times the font size